Nos différences


We bring Business Leadership experience to Strategy and M&A

Experience in growing businesses at various stages: start-up, turn-around and transformation, with a focus on P&L improvement & delivery. We have unique insights into what drives the value of a business, its potential short and long term, and we know how to quickly identify and remediate issues and activate turn-around levers.

Broad experience in Running the entire M&A process

From Strategy to Integration – We have done various acquisition, divestiture and in-licensing projects – from small (< 5 million €) to multi-billion. Used to run or participate in auctions. Experience in creating External Growth strategies and organizing Integration Governance.

International Experience; Multi-cultural Mindset

Experience in most EMEA countries, having interacted with management and led teams of different cultural backgrounds.

Absolute Flexibility & Speed

High degree of deployability and flexibility regarding engagement structure and duration – leading the entire process or parts of it.

Complete devotion to your project

All business is dealt with by the partner – with a straightforward and hands-on approach